SEA Sailmakers Weekly Update – Custom Sails, Stunning Colors, and More!

Hello SEA Sailmakers community,

We’ve had another incredibly productive week here at SEA Sailmakers, crafting custom sails for sailors around the globe. This week, we've created a range of sails to meet the needs of our diverse clientele, all while maintaining our dedication to quality and performance. From bold, eye-catching colors to innovative designs, here's what we've been up to.

Custom Sail Projects of the Week

  1. Asymmetrical Spinnaker for a Finngulf 391 (Finland)
    We crafted a beautiful asymmetrical spinnaker for a Finngulf 391, now on its way to Finland. This sail is designed for downwind sailing, helping the Finngulf 391 glide through the water with maximum efficiency and elegance.

  2. Black Code Zero (Spain)
    A sleek black Code Zero sail was completed and is heading off to Spain. This sail provides extra power in light wind conditions, perfect for sailors looking to enhance performance without compromising on style.

  3. Black 120% Genoa and Mainsail for a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42.2 (St. John, USVI)
    This week, we also made a stunning black 120% genoa and a mainsail for a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42.2, bound for St. John in the US Virgin Islands. These sleek, high-performance sails are sure to turn heads in the Caribbean waters.

  4. Black and White Asymmetrical Spinnaker for a Rob Legg 24 (Rainbow Beach, Queensland)
    We completed a striking black-and-white asymmetrical spinnaker for a Rob Legg 24, heading to Rainbow Beach in Queensland, Australia. This sail will not only provide excellent performance but also add a bold visual touch to the boat's appearance.

  5. Full Batten Mainsail for a Tartan 27 Yawl (Virginia)
    We made a durable and high-performance full batten mainsail for a Tartan 27 Yawl, now on its way to Virginia. This sail will provide great handling and superior control, especially in challenging sailing conditions.

  6. Lazy Bag for a Dream 82 Catamaran (Dream Yacht Charters)
    A custom lazy bag was created for a Dream 82 catamaran for our friends at Dream Yacht Charters. This essential sail handling solution will make it easier to store and protect the mainsail, ensuring a long-lasting, well-maintained sail.

Special Thanks to Our Amazing Customers

We’re thrilled to receive feedback and photos from our clients who are proudly flying their new SEA Sails:

  • Chris shared fantastic photos of his new SEA Sails 115% genoa flying on his gorgeous Island Packet 38 CD. It looks absolutely stunning!

  • Ryan sent in an awesome photo of his Beiley 32, beautifully flying their SEA Sails Code Zero in bold blue and yellow. The sail perfectly complements the sleek lines of the boat.

  • Meghan shared photos of her Cheoy Lee 33 Ketch with a stunning SEA Sails drifter in pink and white. The colors make for a truly unique and striking sail.

What’s Next?

As always, our team continues to work on exciting new projects. We're also busy preparing for the Annapolis Sailboat Show, where we’ll showcase our latest sails and innovations. Join us from October 10th to 14th to explore what SEA Sailmakers has to offer and to meet our passionate team in person!

Thank you to all our clients for trusting us with your sails, and for sharing your photos and stories. We love seeing SEA Sails out on the water, making every voyage smoother and more beautiful.

At SEA Sailmakers, we specialize in crafting custom sails, from asymmetrical spinnakers to Code Zero sails, full batten mainsails, and lazy bags. Whether you’re sailing in the US Virgin Islands, Australia, or anywhere around the world, SEA Sailmakers ensures top-quality, durable sails that perform under all conditions.

If you’re looking for high-performance custom sails or expert sail repairs, don’t hesitate to reach out to SEA Sailmakers – your trusted partner in sailmaking.

Robert Tasker